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Backup and Restore tax returns from one computer to another

Simple Backup and Restore (Estimated Time 1 - 2 Minutes per Tax Year) You must have the tax software fully installed and updated on the new computer

  1.  First, create a backup folder on your USB/External Harddrive you will be using to move the data from your old computer to your new one.

    For example - if I am copying over 2016, I would create a folder called "2016 Backup" on my USB/External drive Folder.  Make mental note of which Drive Letter your USB/External Harddrive is, as shown below mine is on the F: Drive called Samsung_T3

  2. Login under the ADMIN username
  3. Go under Tools > Backup to Disk > Regular Backup

  4. Select OK

  5. Hit [Select All] on the bottom left corner to select all users, if not already selected and hit OK

  6. Hit [Select All] on the next screen to select all returns and hit OK.  You can also select specific returns to backup/restore instead of all of them

  7. Next, it will ask you where you want to save the data, make sure to save it to a USB/External drive into the folder you already created on the USB/External drive

  8. Once you are done and get a process complete, take the USB/External drive and plug it into the new computer

  9. Open the Tax Software on the New Computer and login under the ADMIN username
  10. Go under Tools > Restore From Disk > Regular Backup

  11. Next select the folder you recently created and stored the data in located on the USB/External drive (You did this on step 7)

  12. You then will be promoted to restore to Original User, as long as the Username that the returns were created under exists on this computer, this option will be fine.  If you don't have the Username on the new computer listed, you can restore the files to any username you want to by selecting it from the Drop Down Box

  13. Next follow the prompts to restore the files you want to restore.

    1. *NOTE - If you get any errors during this process this is a strong indication the new tax software isn't fully up-to-date.  Do this by going to Communications > Get Program Updates AND ALSO Communications > Get Module Updates


Tags: install,setup