Carryforward information from 8915-E did not automatically flow to the 8915-F.
Double-check the amounts in 8915-E and how they were filled out from 2020:
If in 2020, the amounts for the distribution were entered in on 8915-E pg.1, Part II line 9 in 2020, then enter in those amounts on 8915-F pg.3, Part II line 12.
If in 2020, the amounts were reported on 8915-E on pg.2, Part III line 17, then those amounts will be reported on 8915-F pg.3, Part III line 23.
Please note: Coronavirus-related distributions can't be made in 2021.
Who Must File Form 8915-F?
File Form 8915- F (2020 disasters) for the year you checked in item A at the top of page 1 of the form if any of the following apply to you for 2021 for your 2020 disasters:
A qualified disaster distribution was made to you from an eligible retirement plan.
You received a qualified distribution.
A qualified disaster distribution was made to you in a prior year that you are including in income in equal amounts over 3 years and the 3-year period has not yet lapsed.
You made a repayment of a qualified disaster distribution.
Tags: federal,form