How do I get the returns that I imported from SureFire Web Version prior year to show in next year Carryforward? - How do I get the returns that I imported from SureFire Web Version prior year to show in next year Carryforward?
Create the export file (you will receive an email to the Admin with the password for the zip)
Extract the returns from the TWO export zip file. Place the files in the UTSXXProforma folder
Place the attached Performa.exe file in the UTS folder (do not place it inside any of the existing folders). (tech has this file)
Run the file Proforma.exe as the administrator (the execution will be quick) appears nothing happened
You may also want to run dbrepair (optional)
Open TW 2018 and open return (if prompted that you need to add a username) add the username.
Log in as adminToolsUtility Setup Assistant/Setup AssistantGroups and Users
Add the New User or modify the existing user. The username is case-sensitive.
Open TW current year
Log in as a user with admin rights or log in as AdminToolsUtility Setup Assistant/Setup Assistantcarryforward returns
Open a new return, enter SSN you should get a message that carryforward data exists
Click OK
Tags: web,install,setup,getting-started