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Non-Returning Client Log
Requirements for Accuracy
In order to get an accurate Non-Returning Client Log you must follow the steps below.
Before you start preparing live tax returns for this tax season you must run Carry Forward Prior Year Data from the Tools menu on all your returns.
This procedure creates a "J file" for each tax return you carry forward. The "J file" contains the data carried forward and is stored in the UTSXX\Proforma sub-directory. "J files" get their name from the fact that the first character of the file name is the letter J.
When you started each new return for a prior year client, you must choose to load the prior year data into the new return.
When you load the prior year data, the letter J in the file name is changed to the letter X. SureFire assumes that files beginning with the letter X represent clients who have come back to you for tax preparation. Files beginning with the letter J represent clients who have not yet come back and are, therefore, non-returning clients.
When you run the Non-Returning Client Log or Non-Returning Client Mailing Labels, SureFire scans the UTS12\Proforma sub-directory for files starting with the letter J. SureFire ignores files that start with the letter X, because they represent clients for whom you have already started a return. From the "J files" SureFire pulls the client names, addresses, phone numbers, and other information used in the Non-Returning Client Log or Non-Returning Client Mailing Labels.
Printing the Non-Returning Client Log
To print the Non-Returning Client Log, use the following steps:
Open the Reports menu, point to Non-Returning Clients, then select Non-Returning Client Log.
Select the Non-returning Client List report and click OK.
On the Report Criteria window, select the desired options. Some options will be disabled.
Click OK to preview the list.
To print on paper, click the Print icon at the top of the Print Preview window
Tags: install,setup