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SureFire E-File Validation: The 'FEMADisasterDeclarationNum' element is invalid - The value '29800' is invalid according to its datatype 'String' - The Pattern constraint failed.- Must fit the pattern: ((([D][R])|([E][M]))-[0-9]{4})-(AA|AE|AL|A - The 'FEMADisasterDeclarationNum' element is invalid -

Go to Form 8915-F Page 1 and remove any selection or information on Line C if Line D for coronavirus has already been selected and on Form 8915-F Page 2 remove any amount from Line 1 column B, this column is for qualified disaster distributions for the disasters in Item C, if an amount is entered in this column it will expect a FEMA declaration number on Line C of Page 1.

Tags: diagnostic,federal,form