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Unexpected Error and need to close when open any return in SureFire - Can't open all years of SureFire

Only run this on the latest of SureFire. This will repair the prior year as well once run once. If on a Network Drive be sure to do this on the main computeronlyonce all instances of SureFire are closed for that year in the office.


Uninstall and Reinstall SureFire:

Rename UTS20XX folder to UTS20XXOLD (where XX is the number of year of the program, for example 20, or 21) in the Drive where SureFire is saved.

Click on the Windows Start Button, Go to Control panel Programs and Features.

Find the most current year of SureFire, select it, and click "Uninstall program.""

Rename folder back to original name (UTS20XX).

Inside of the UTS20XX

Tags: install,setup