How do I fix rejected bank application in SureFire 2020? - How to Fix rejected bank applications in SureFire.
To fix a rejected bank application, use the following steps:
Click the Bank menu,
Click Maintenance/Setup, and
Then click Fix Rejected Bank Apps.
From the Select Rejected Records dialog box.
Select the applications you want to correct by clicking each item.
You will receive a Dialog box stating the Federal Return is already accepted would you like to Continue?
Select Yes to continue
Select No to exit
You will receive an onscreen dialog displaying the reject message from the Bank Ack
Select OK to continueDepending on the message locate on the Bank Application where the Reject Code is relevant in this case it shows Invalid ID Location.
On the Bank App go to the Taxpayer/Spouse Identification section and correct the ID location using a valid state abbreviation
Re-Send Bank Application
Select Diagnostics
Select Send App (Note: You may be asked to reprint the Bank Application)
Your Transmission screen will open and send the bank application.
Select Close once successful and exit the return
Tags: reject,bank,install