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How do I complete form 3115 -Application for Change in Accounting Method for an individual return in SureFire? - How do I complete form 3115 -Application for Change in Accounting Method for an individual return in SureFire?

Form 3115 is not available in the 1040 package. Per the Schedule C instructions, you are directed to see the form 3115 instructions if you want to change your accounting method.The form Schedule C does not address changing the accounting method.


Form 3115 will need to be completed in the Miscellaneous package and then mailed to one of the addresses listed in the form 3115 instructions depending on the option you are choosing.



To complete form 3115 in the Miscellaneous package, do the following:

On the main window of SureFire, select Change Package.

Select the Miscellaneous Package, then click OK.

Click Start a New Return.

Enter the Taxpayer SSN to start the return just as with the other packages.

When the return opens, click Form add form.

In the find field, enter 3115 and click Open.

Tags: federal,form