Why does my return in SureFire still display as Sent to EFC?
If the return in question does not yet show an Accepted or Rejected status in Return Query, simply wait for the return to be processed by the appropriate agency then get acknowledgements in the program.
If the return does not appear in Return Query at all, see our Knowledge Base article on how to re-transmit a return that was not received by the EFC.
If the return shows Accepted or Rejected in the Return Query tool, follow the steps below to receive the acknowledgement in SureFire:
Log into SureFire.
Click Communications Get Acks, Mail and Updates.
If the above steps do not resolve the issue, the acknowledgement may need to be rehung. To rehang an acknowledgement, click Rehang in the Return Query tool as seen below, then get acknowledgements in the program:
Tags: federal,form