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IND-147 The e-File database indicates a First Time Homebuyer Installment Payment is due for the Primary SSN. Include amount on 'FirstTimeHmByrRepaymentAmt' of the return and attach Form 5405 if required. - IRS reject for First Time Home buyer credit

Reject code IND-147: The e-File database indicates a First Time Homebuyer Installment Payment is due for the Primary SSN. Include amount on 'FirstTimeHmByrRepaymentAmt' of the return

Reject code F1040-428-01: The e-File database indicates a First Time Homebuyer Installment Payment is due for the Primary SSN. Include amount on Line 60b,"'FirstTimeHmByrRepaymentAmt"" of Form 1040 and attach Form 5405 if required.





The IRS database indicates an installment payment is due for the First Time Homebuyer Installment Payment. This payment amount should be included on your return.


The IRS has provided a direct online lookup tool to view the First Time Homebuyer Information. Access the lookup tool and make appropriate changes.


After you have made the changes

Tags: reject,federal