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Tags: federal,form
Need to add a schedule C to a return in SureFire - Forms will not populate in return - 1. What is the error message? 2. Is it a program error or a windows error? program3. Is it a reject message or a validation error? 4. If this is a Form Calculation issue, what is non-calculating from where to w
Needed to click on the shortcut header to add the form, looks like his header default was description
Add Forms Using the Form List
1. To add a new form such as Form W-2, press Ctrl+F10 or click the Add Form/ Display Form List tab at the top of the workspace. This opens
the form list .
2. Type the shortcut for the form. Press Enter. For example, to open a W-2, type "W"" and press Enter.
Shortcuts are listed in blue in the ""shortcut "" column. For a schedule
Tags: federal,form