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How do I enter a 1031 exchange in SureFire 2017?

Go to the Asset involved in the 1031 exchange.

Select the Sale, Exchange, Disposition button.

Complete the Stop Depreciatiomortization section.


If you have multiple assets to discard, see instructions below.

Go to form 8824, page 1.

Complete Part I.

Go to form 8824, page 2.

Complete lines 15-25.



To dispose of Multiple Assets, do the following:

Go to the Sale, Exchange, Disposition worksheet of the main asset.

In the Sale of Depreciable Asset section, enter a number on the first line. Example: 1

Since this is the Main Asset, select the check box on the next line.

Then for all of the remaining assets for this bulk disposition, enter a 1 on the first line.

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