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Tags: install,setup
How to install from scratch
Full Reinstall from Scratch. If none of the regular options of backing and restoring data don't work you will need to follow these steps. You will need to install the software from Scratch (Estimated time 30 - 45 minutes per tax year)
- Add the C:\UTS16 folder to your Anti-virus exclusion list (find instructions for this from your Anti-virus provider)
- Disable any ANTI-VIRUS software you may have running on your computer
- Rename the C:\UTS16 folder to UTS16OLD
- Download fresh copy of 2016 from our website
- Fully Install and register the fresh 2016. Make sure to fully Software
- Communications > Get Program Updates
- Restart the program
- Communicatoins > Get Module Updates
- Now you need to [Copy] and [Paste] the USER folders into your new computer C:\UTSXX Drive (Located in "This PC/My Computer") OVERWRITING the existing USER folder inside the appropriate UTSXX folders
- For example - for 2015 I would go into the 2015 folder I created on the USB/External drive and copy the USERS folder from here and paste/overwrite the one in the C:\UTS15 folder on the new computer
- You will need to make sure you have a Username created in the New Tax Software for each of the folder names you see in the C:\UTS15 folder.
- By default the ADMIN, GUEST, TRAINING folders will already exist. You will need to create Usernames for any other Users listed
- After all this you will then go into C:\UTSXX folder and run the DBREPAIR file.
- Only check the box for "Populate DB from Returns" and hit Start Repair
- Rinse and repeat steps 10 - 13 for each tax year
Tags: install,setup