The transmission skips over Send Tax Return when transmitting e-files in SureFire
This can occur when there is a return of size 0 KB in the database.
To resolve this issue:
Open the UTSxx folder (where xx isthe 2-digit year of SureFire).
Open the Users folder.
Check each user folder for any 0 KB files.
Create a new folder and name itDamaged Returns.
Move the 0 KB file into the Damaged Returns folder.
Another issue might be an attached PDF is too large of a file, such as when they attach a 1099-B to a form 8354.(The limit of file size is 1Mb, where 1,000Kb equals 1Mb. So 26,000Kb is equal to 26Mb, far too large. They will need to paper file if this is the case.)
You should now be able to transmit your e-files successfully.
Additional Information
Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:La transmisin omite enviar declaracin de impuestos cuando se transmiten archivos electrnicos en SureFire
Tags: diagnostic,install,setup