PROFORMA files and Prior Year Carry Forward
When you run the Prior Year Carry Forward (PYCF)in SureFire, the prior year's SureFire returns are accessed and you then select which returns to carry forward. These returns are loaded as PRF files in the PROFORMA folder inside your SureFire program folder.
The carry forwardprocess also populates the database for your Non-Returning Client List (NRCL). The NRCL, found on the Reports menu, provides mailing labels and a list of returns you have carried forward but not yet started in the current tax year. If you carry forward a return after you have already started it and do not create a new return loading the PYCF data, it will appear on your Non-Returning Client List. Avoid carrying forward returns that you do not intend to delete and start over.
Additional Information
Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Archivos PROFORMA y Avance del ao anterior (Prior Year Carry Forward)
Tags: install,setup