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E-file rejection: "F1040-111-01 - The total number of Dependent Name Controls that has a value on Form 1040"

The total number of Dependent Name Controls that has a value on Form 1040, Line 6c must be equal to the sum of the following: Line 6c 'ChldWhoLivedWithYouCnt', Line 6c 'ChldNotLivingWithYouCnt' and Line 6c 'OtherDependentsListedCnt'



On the Main Information sheet, look at the line 6c section where you enter the dependent information. Make sure there is a dependent on each line under First name, Last name, ect... You cannot skip line1 and puta dependent on line 2. If you remove a dependent from the list, move any others up to fill in that empty line.




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Tags: reject,federal