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How do I use the SureFire Support site to see if there is a check ready to print for a taxpayer?

Navigate to the Support site.

Log in as Admin.

Click Return Queryunder the E-Filedropdown menu at the top.

Enter the SSN or EIN.

Select a tax year from the Tax year to search list.

Click Search. The customer name or company namedisplays, with the newest e-file received at the top of the list.

Click Select to open detail information for the customer.

Click Disbursements. From there, you will be able to see if there are any checks that are ready to print orhave been printed. You can also see theauthorization number and disbursement amount.

Note: IfDisbursementsshows that there is a check ready to print, but you have not received the authorization record, please open a support case to receive assistance.






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Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Cmo uso la pgina de soporte de SureFire para ver si hay un cheque listo para imprimir para un contribuyente?

Tags: install,web,bank