(757) No pages were selected..." when printing Client Organizer"
This can occur when no forms are selected for the Organizer's print packet.
To solve the problem, you can either modify your Organizer Print Packet or restore the original packet files.
To modify the Organizer Print Packet
Log in to SureFire.
On the Tools menu, select Utilities/SetupAssistant
In the window that opens, click the Setup menu, and then select View/Edit Print Packets.
Change the Packet to Organizer Packet.
Select Print Completed Forms or manually add forms to the Selected Forms list.
Click Save.
To restore the default Organizer Print Packet
Browseto X:\UTSXX\PacketFiles (where X: is the drive where SureFire is installed, and XX is the tax year of your program), and then right-click the Organizer.PFL file.
Select Copy.
Navigate to the UTSXX\Users\Admin folder, right-click in the background, and then select Paste.
You should no longer experience this problem when printing from the Client Organizer.
Additional Information:
Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Mensaje de error: (757) No pages were selected..." cuando imprime un Client Organizer
Tags: install,setup