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Reporting mulitple Bulk sales in SureFire

Sale of a Property with Multiple Depreciable Components


When you have multiple Business Asset Worksheets related to a single property sold -- for example, a building and new roof depreciating separately -- follow the steps below.


On all worksheets related to the property (e.g., the worksheet for the building, the worksheet for the new roof, etc.), enter the date sold.

On all worksheets related to the property, type a number in the first field shown in the illustration below. Type the same number on each worksheet. For example, type the number 1. This tells SureFire that the worksheets are related to each other. If you have two properties sold, each with multiple worksheets, type the number 1 on all worksheets related to the first property and the number 2 on all worksheets related to the second property. You can handle up to nine sales in this way.

On the worksheet for the building, select the check box to designate it as the Main worksheet.

On the Main worksheet only, enter the selling price and selling expense.


SureFire will accumulate the cost, basis adjustments, and depreciation for all items on the Main worksheet





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Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Reportando mltiples ventas (bulk sales) en SureFire

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