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Non-Resident states

You are only able to enter in up to 5 non-resident states if you are wanting to E-file the return.

When you designate a non resident state on the Main information page, the RES/NR worksheetloads into the return. Information calculates to this worksheet automatically. The RES/NR worksheet handles the first two non-resident states. If more than two, the Additonal RES/NR worksheet loads to handle up to three more non-resident states.

After completing the federal return, review the worksheet and make any adjustments needed between the resident and non-resident states or between taxpayer and spouse. Sure-Fire calculates the adjusted amounts to the state forms.


If you need to list any additional non-resident states(more than 5) you will need to paper file the return. To list the non-resident states: on the main information page list the 5 non-resident states, print the form out(the main information page.) Go back into the return, take out the 5 non-resident states previously listed, add in the additional states needed, print out the form or return(whatever you need to file.)

Tags: state,form