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Tags: reject,federal,state
e-File Rejection: "F540/NR/NRS/2EZ-010 - If Primary Taxpayer or Spouse/RDP date of death [DeceasedDate] is present..."" in a 1040 return using SureFire."
Full Rejection Text
If Primary Taxpayer or Spouse/RDP date of death [DeceasedDate] is present, then Guardian/Executor Name [GuardianExecutorName] and Decedent Representative's Title [Title] must be present.
Go to CA 540 Pg1 Form.
Click Deceased Taxpayer or Spouse Information.
Enter the Name of "Decedent Representative.""
Press F8 to overridethe fieldsandenter the first and last name.
Select the box Executor for ""Representative Type.""
Click Diagnostic.
If there are no errors
Tags: reject,federal,state