What are the top IRS Electronic Filing Rejection codes for 1040 returns?
Listed below are the Top 1040 Rejection Codes:
Reject Code R0000-504-01: Each Dependent SSN and the corresponding DependentNameControl that has a value on Line 6c(2) of the return, must match the SSN and Name Control in the e-File database
The IRS checks the Social Security number against the name control which is usually the first 4 letters of the last name. Verify the dependents last name and Social Security number against what they have on the Social Security card. If the card matches exactly, have the taxpayer contact the Social Security Administration at: 1-800-772-1213 to correct the Social Security Administrations records.It takes Approximately 2 weeks to update in the efile database.
Reject Code R0000-507-01: Dependent SSN on Line 6c(2) of the return was used as a Dependent SSN in a previously filed tax return for the same tax period.
Someone has already filed a return listing this person as a dependent. You cannot electronically file the return with this dependent listed. If the taxpayer believes this reject is in error, you can leave the rejected dependent on the return and mail a paper return.
Reject Code Seic-F1040-501-01: Each QualifyingChildNameControl that has a value on Schedule EIC(Form 1040A or 1040), Line 1, and QualifyingChildSSN that has a value on Line 2, must match that in the e-File database.
You will see this together with the first reject (R000-504-01) because the IRS checks both the dependent information and the information you submit for the Earned Income Credit. If the name does not match on one, it does not match on the other either. The IRS does not just check one, because sometimes you can have a qualifying child for the earned income credit who is not a dependent. These both mean that the Social Security number and the name dont match what the IRS has on file. As with the reject R0000-504-01, verify the Social Security number and the name with the Social Security card, and if they match, have the taxpayer contact the Social Security Administration to correct their information.
Reject Code R0000-500-01: PrimarySSN and PrimaryNameControlTxt in the Return Header must match the e-File database.
This is another reject for the mismatch for the name, but in this case it is for the Taxpayer. Correct this reject by verifying the name and the Social Security number with the SS card. If it matches exactly as it was typed, then have the Taxpayer contact the Social Security Administration to get the information corrected in their system. This could take up to 2 weeks to update. They can contact the Social Security Administration at: 1-800-772-1213.
Reject Code FW2-502: Form W-2, Line B EmployerEIN must match data in the eFile database.
This is another mismatch, but this one is for the employer listed on the W2. Verify the employer Id number entered on the W2 against the actual document supplied by taxpayer. If it is incorrect, reenter the information and resubmit the efile. If the information matches the actual document, have the taxpayer contact the issuer of W2 to verify that the EIN listed is the actual number.
Reject Code IND-031-01: PrimaryPriorYearPIN or PrimaryElectonicFilingPIN or PrimaryPriorYearAGIAmt in the Return Header must match the e-File database.
The prior year information entered for the taxpayer doesn't match what the IRS has on file. Verify what is entered for the prior year pin or agi, matches what is on the original prior year tax return. You can also use the practitioner pin option as an alternative, because it doesn't require prior year information.
Reject Code R0000-503-01: Taxpayer TIN in the Return Header must not be the same as a TIN of a previously accepted electronic return for the return type and tax period indicated in the tax return.
A return with the same Social Security number for the same filing year has already been accepted by the IRS. If you believe this is a mistake, you can paper file the return. If you believe the taxpayer is a victim of identity theft, visit the following website to help the taxpayer take action:
Reject Code SEIC-F1040-506-01: Each QualifyingChildSSN that has a value on Schedule EIC (Form 1040A or 1040), Line 2 must not be equal to another Qualifying Child SSN on another accepted return for the same tax year.
You will also see this reject along with 0000-507-01, where the dependent Social Security number was already used on a return. Somebody has already filed a return claiming this
Social Security number for the Earned Income Credit. The taxpayer must remove the dependent as a qualifying child for the earned income credit, to be eligible for electronic filing. If the taxpayer believes this to be in error, leave the dependent listed for the qualifying child and mail a paper return.
F1040-512: Each Dependents SSN on this return cannot be used on another return as a Primary or Secondary SSN with Line 6a checkbox ExemptPrimaryInd or Line 6b checkbox ExemptSpouseInd checked on that return.
This reject means that the Social Security number for the dependent that you listed has already been used on a return where this person claimed his/her own exemption. Verify the dependents rejected Social Security number matches the Social Security card. If the information matches exactly, then remove the dependent in order to be able to efile the return. If the taxpayer believes the reject to be in error, then leave the dependents information and file a paper return. The dependent may also need to file an amended return removing the exemption. The taxpayer can also contact the IRS at: 1-800-829-1040 for additional instructions.
IND-046: The IRS e-File database indicates that the filer must file Form 8862 to claim the Earned Income Credit because it was previously disallowed, but the return does not include Form 8862.
This taxpayer is claiming Earned Income Tax Credit and has been denied this credit in a prior tax year. You must add Form 8862 to the return to be reconsidered for claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit. Once you have added and completed Form 8862, you will need to re-create and re-submit the e-File.
SEIC-F1040-535-01: Each Qualifying child's social security number that has a value on Schedule EIC and the Qualifying Child Year of Birth must match what is on file in the IRS e-File database.
Verify the qualifying child's Year of Birth on the child's birth certificate. If the actual birth certificate matches your entries exactly, have the Taxpayer contact the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213 to correct the Social Security Administration records. This process takes approximately two weeks for the information to be updated in the IRS e-File database.
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Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Cules son los principales cdigos de rechazo al presentar un archivo electrnico al IRS en las declaraciones 1040?
Tags: reject,federal