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How do I add Protection Plus to a Form 1040 return when using SureFire?

Protection Plus is located on the Main Info sheet in a Form 1040 returnand also in the bank application, you only need to check the box to indicatethat the taxpayer needs protection plus in one location, please see the steps below for when you should check the box in the main information and when to check the box if Bank Product/Refunds Transfer is included in the return. (if you complete both you will get a check return error)


If the return does not contain a bank product/Refund Transfer Product



Go the Main Information Sheet in the Form 1040, look for the heading Protection Plus,

Click the link for the online enrollment and register.

You can also click the link to learn more about the Protection Plus Program.

Click the link to access the user agreement .

Check the box for user agreementto indicate that the taxpayer wants Protection Plus.

Collect the $44.95 fee from the the Tax Payer


Note: If the taxpayer is paying for the return using Fee Collect, use the steps above, the preparer must collect the $44.95 fee from the Taxpayer


If the return has a Bank Product/Refund Transfer Product - The Protection Plus user agreement and the box to check will be included on the bank application forms.


Go the Main Information Sheet in the Form 1040, look for the heading Protection Plus,

Click the link for the online enrollment and register.

You can also click the link to learn more about the Protection Plus Program

Go the bank application and locate the section for Protection Plus

Check the box for user agreementto indicate that the taxpayer wants Protection Plus.






Additional Information


Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Cmo agrego Protection Plus a una declaracin 1040 en SureFire?

Tags: federal,form