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Unable to convert the module US to correct binding when creating an e-file using SureFire

To correct this error, uninstall the module mentioned in the error message, then download and install it from the Solution Center.


Click Tools Utilities/Setup Assistant.

Click Tools Uninstall Modules in the Utility window.

Select the module that is giving the error and click OK.

Click OK when the process is complete.

Close SureFire.

Go to ?:\UTSxx\Mailbox and remove files that contain STU at the beginning of the filename.

Note: (? is the drive where SureFire is installed and xx is the 2-digit year of the software)

Reinstall the module from the Solution Center.





Additional Information


Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:No se puede convertir el mdulo US en un enlace correcto al crear un E-file con SureFire

Tags: install,setup