Creating the ACA Client Letter in SureFire
To create the ACA Client Letter in SureFire:
Log into IntelliConnect.
Open Health Care Reform [Federal Tax].
Click on Health Care Analysis Locater.
Place a check mark beside Individual Mandate for Having Health Insurance.
On the right, click 2 Results.
Click the document under Client Letters.
Click Export at the top and save to a location of your choice.
To add the letter in SureFire:
Open a tax return in SureFire.
Click on theAdd Form tab.
Type Letter in the Look for: box.
Select New Client Letter and click OK.
Select the desired client letter.
Highlight the variables you will be replacing.
Note: The Delete button does not remove the variables. Click the Scissor icon.
Open the letter you saved. Press the Ctrl+A keys to select all.
Press the Ctrl+C keys to Copy the text.
Paste (Ctrl+V) to the open letter in SureFire.
Click Save.
The new client letter will be placed in the TWXX folder. (Where XX is the year of the software)
Tags: install,setup