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Bad package letter" when backing up"

To resolve this issue,delete the Backup.lzh file for this user.


To delete the Backup.lzh file

Close SureFire.

Right-click the Start button, and then click FileExplorer.

Navigate to the X:\UTSxx\Users\Name of the affected user folder (where X: is the drive on which SureFire is installed, and xx corresponds to the tax year of your program).

Right-click the Backup.lzh file, and then click Delete.


Once you have deleted this file, back up your data using the Advanced Backup option.





Additional Information


Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Mensaje de error: "Bad package letter"" cuando intenta hacer una copia de seguridad


Tags: diagnostic,install,setup