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Error message when installing SureFire updates "You are about to install version # over version ## (where # is the version number and ## is a higher number)! Continue with installation?"""

This can occur when you download the same updates from the Customer Support website after you already downloaded through your program using the PPR support menu resulting in duplicate update files waiting to be processed for state or federal forms.To resolve this problem, you need to delete any unprocessed duplicate update files.


To remove unprocessed duplicate updates


Right-click the Windows Start button, and then click Open Windows Explorer.

Navigate to X:\UTSxx\Mailbox (where X: is the drive on which SureFire is installed, and xx corresponds to the tax year of your program).

Look through the *.zip update files for files beginning with ST, and find the jurisdiction in question by looking at the fifth and sixth characters in the filename. For example, for version 2 (02) of the Georgia (GA) state Individual (I) module, if you had duplicates, you would have a STPIGA02.ZIP file and a STUIGA02.ZIP file. The file with a P is the processed version (STPIGA02.ZIP)..

Right-click the unprocessed (U) version of this module update, and then click Delete. In the example from step 3, the file to delete would be STUIGA02.ZIP. Note: A federal update file would have US for the jurisdiction code.

Click Yes to confirm the deletion.




You will now be able to install the update without receiving this error.

Tags: install,setup