Image Description Support Center

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Incorrect federal or state calculations

To bring an issue to our attention, you need to send the complete problem description via e-mail, with the subject line ATTN TAX HELP. Attach the relevant return to the e-mail, and send it to, or send an email through SureFire.


To send an email through your SureFire software


On the Communications menu, select Send Mail to SFS Support.

Enter your e-mail address, type Att Tax Help in the subject line, and include an explanation in the body.

To attach a file to the e-mail message, click Browse.

Browse to the location of the file you want to attach, and click Open.




Note: Only one file can be attached per e-mail message. If you need to attach multiple files, they must first be compressed into one file.






Additional Information


Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Clculos federales o estatales incorrectos

Tags: federal,form,state