Why am I unable to create new returns in SureFire?
Some possible explanations for this are:
Administrators are not able to create new returns. Change the user to one that is not an administrator by selecting File Change User.
If you originally registered the software with a CCH-SFS-assigned EFIN and you now have your actual IRS-assigned EFIN, contact Customer Service to change your EFIN and have a new registration code generated.
The selected user may not have permission to create new returns. To resolve this problem, follow the steps below.
To enable a user to create new returns:
Log into SureFire as Admin.
Click Tools Utilities/Setup Assistant.
Click Setup Setup Assistant.
Select the Groups Users tab.
Select the user that is unable to create new returns then click View/Edit.
Select SuperUser or ReturnManager from the Assigned group list and click OK.
Click Save and Close.
Note: This user will now be able to create new returns.
Additional Information
Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Por qu no puedo crear nuevas declaraciones en SureFire?
Tags: diagnostic,install,setup