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How do I delete a form in a return using SureFire?

Right-click the form in the Forms Tree.

SelectRemove Form or press Shift+F9.

Click OK.

If there are any attached Scratch Pads or supporting forms, you will see an information window listing the forms that will be removed and giving you the option to cancel the removal.


Sometimes a form cannot be removed if:

If you used the Interview Sheet or SureFire Install Version Interview and the answer to a question on the Interview caused a particular form to be loaded automatically in the return, you will not be able to delete the form until you change the answer on the Interview Sheet or SureFire Install Version Interview.

If you selected an entry on one form that caused a different form to be loaded automatically in the return, you will not be able to remove the second form until your change the entry on the first form.

Example: If you selected the Dependent Care box for a dependent on the Main Information Sheet, Form 2441 will be loaded automatically. You will not be able to remove Form 2441 from the return as long as the box on the Main Information Sheet is selected.






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Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Cmo eliminar una forma en una declaracin de impuestos usando SureFire?

Tags: federal,form