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How do I delete a tax return using Return Explorer in SureFire?

Click Tools Utilities/Setup Assistant File Return Explorer.

If logged in as Admin, select the user name containing the file(s) to be deleted from the Look in: drop-down list in the Return Explorer window.

Select the desired package from the Show drop-down list.

Select Delete Files from the Action drop-down list.

Highlight the file to be deleted by clicking on it in the File List.

Note: Multiple files can be selected using the Ctrl and/or Shift keys.

Click the Delete button at the bottom-left of the Return Explorer window.

Click Yes.

Click OK.



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Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Cmo elimino una declaracin de impuestos usando Return Explorer in SureFire?

Tags: install,setup