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How do I send a return or an e-mail to my other offices using the feature Send Client to Client Mail in SureFire?

To send an e-mail to multiple EFINs


Navigate to Communications.

Click Send Client to Client Mail.SureFire opens the Compose/Send Message window:

Enter the EFIN to which you want to send the message, subject of the message and body of the message, to enter additional EFINs to which to send the message.

Press Alt+A or click the Address button. Type each additional EFIN in the Enter Additional Addresses box.

As you type, the program creates a list of the EFINs. To delete an EFIN from the list, click to select it, and then click Delete.

After creating the list, click OK.

The word MULTI will appear in the EFIN box, indicating that you are sending this message to multiple EFINs.

To attach a file(s) to the mail message, click the Attach button.

Highlight the file you want to attach and click Open.


Open - Select Open to retrieve a previously saved message to resend or send to a different recipient.

Save - Press Alt+S or click Save to save the message and the addressee(s). You must give each message a unique name. You must save the message in order to later retrieve it for reading, editing, and/or sending to a different addressee.

The word MULTI will appear in the EFIN box, indicating that you are sending this message to multiple EFINs.To send another message to the same list of EFINs, open the saved message, change the subject and text, and send.

Send - Click Send to connect to the Electronic Filing Center and send the message.

Print - Click Print to print the message. SureFire will send the message to the print device you have designated in Printing Network Setup.

Cancel - Click Cancel to close without sending a message. If you have created and saved a message before canceling, the message is saved.

Attach - Click Attach to attach a tax return or other file to the message.


Tags: install,setup