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Completing Form 7004 for Electronic Filing

To e-file an extension using Form 7004, use the following steps:


Open the return for which you wish to complete the extension and fill in the information regarding the company name.

Select Yes to the Do you want to electronically file this return? question.

Select either Form 7004 without direct debit or Form 7004 with direct debit for the What form(s) are you e-filing using PINs? question.

Enter the information for the Signing officer for e-filing, Officer Information, and Preparer Information.

Add Form 7004 to the return, and then select the check box at the top of the page to indicate if you are using this form.

Run diagnostics and correct any errors you may receive.

Click Extension E-File to create an e-file.

Close the return, and then select Send Federal/State Returns to on the Communications menu.






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Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Completando la forma 7004 para enviarla electrnicamente (e-file)

Tags: federal,form