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How do I complete Form 4868 for electronic filing in SureFire?

Steps for Filing Form 4868 Without Direct Debit

Complete the clients return as accurately as possible.

On the Main Information Sheet, select Form 4868 without direct debit in the PIN section. No PINs are required for taxpayers or ERO in this case.

Open Form 4868 and select the check box at the top of the form labeled Check here if using this form. When you select the check box, SureFire overrides and locks in lines 4 and 5, estimate of total tax liability and total payments.

Enter the amount being paid, if any.

Do one of the following:

Run diagnostics from inside the return and click the Extension E-File button.

With the return closed, click the Tools menu and select Make Extension e-files.




Later, when you are ready to e-file the completed return, select The income tax return check box in the PIN section of the Main Information Sheet. SureFire clears the extension check box. Enter the required PIN information before creating the e-file for the return.


Steps for Paying a Balance Due with Direct Debit and using the Practitioner PIN Signature Method

Complete the clients return as accurately as possible.

Open the Main Information Sheet and go to the PIN section near the bottom of the form.

Enter your Practitioner PIN.

Select the check box below your Practitioner PIN indicating you are using the Practitioner PIN filing method to file Form 4868 with direct debit.

In the next section, select Form 4868 with direct debit.

Complete the entries on the Main Information Sheetthat become required when direct debit and the Practitioner PIN are used:

Current date in the PIN section

Taxpayer and spouse PINs - these PINs provide the electronic signature authorizing the direct debit.

Open Form 4868 and select the check box at the top of the form labeled Check here if using this form.

Enter the amount you are paying on line 7.

Open the form called ACH EXT and enter the amount to be debited, bank Routing Transit Number, taxpayer account number, and date for the withdrawal to be made.

When filing Form 4868 with direct debit and you are using the Practitioner PIN signature method, you must print Form 8878 and the taxpayer and/or spouse and ERO must sign it. You must keep this form on file for three years from the return due date or IRS received date, whichever is later. See IRS instructions for Form 8878 for more information.





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