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SureFire FAQ for 706/709 (Estate) returns-SureFire

Q: What is 706 Estate used for and when is it due?


A: The 706 is due 9 months after someone dies. If a person dies in February, the return is due in November. Most who are deceased are not required to file a Form 706 return. With a few exceptions, the only individuals who must file a 706 return are those who have died that leave a gross estate over $5,430,000.


Q: Which 706 states does SureFire support?


A: New York.

Note: Applies to tax year 2013 and going forward.


Q: Additional states were supported in prior years, why are you only supporting New York now?


A: We made this business decision to allocate state development resources elsewhere based on usage by our customers.


Q: What if I need another state?


A: You can complete the federal portion in the SureFire software, then download the PDF forms from the state's website and fill those out manually.








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Tags: federal,form