Reports showing zeros for totals
This may result from running an older version of a report that has been updated. Make sure you are running the most recent version of SureFire.
This could also result from database records with empty Created date fields. The report filter will omit these returns if the Date filter criteria is set to Created. You can try running the report with the Date report criteria field changed to something like Edited or Accepted to see if the correct totals show.
Finally, database information could simply be missing. To resolve this problem, re-process your acknowledgements and then run the DBRepair.exe file with the Populate DB from Returns option checked.
To restore database information
Re-process your acknowledgements by selecting the Communications menu, and then clicking Get Acks, Mail and Updates.
When the process is complete, click Close in the Electronic Filing Center dialog box.
Close SureFire.
Right-click the Start button, and then click Open Windows Explorer.
Navigate to the X:\UTSXX (where X: corresponds to the drive where SureFire is installed, and XX corresponds to the tax year of your program) directory, and then double-click the DBRepair.exe file.
In the DB Repair window, select the Populate DB from Returns check box.
Click Start repair.
When the repair process is complete. close the DB Repair window.
Open SureFire and confirm that the problem has been resolved. If not, contact Customer Service at 866-641-9473.
Tags: diagnostic,install,setup