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How do I restore backup files in the desktop version of SureFire?

Go to Tools Restore From Disk From Regular Backup.

Select the Drive and Directories where the backup file is located and click OK.

In Select Destination User, click thearrow to display users. Select the user to which you want to restore the returns, and thenclick OK.

In Select Originating User Name(s), select the user names whose returns you want to restore, and then click OK.

Note: SureFire displays the Restoring to box. If you select more than one user name, each user's list of returns appears consecutively.

Select the returns you want to restore for each user and click OK. The Restore Summary window shows you:

How many returns were restoredfor each user

Number of versions

Number of return attachments

Archived deleted returns


Inactive returns

Client letters

Click OK.

On Restore complete,click OK.



Additional Information


Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Cmo restauro (Restore) un Backup en SureFire Install Version?

Tags: install,setup