e-file rejection: IND-147 and IND-152: Form 5405 First Time Homebuyer Installment payment on a 1040 return in SureFire.
Full Message Text:
The e-File database indicates a First Time Homebuyer Installment Payment is due for the Primary SSN. Include amount on 'FirstTimeHmByrRepaymentAmt' of the return and attach Form 5405 if required.
If Form 5405 is present in the return, then the sum of all Forms 5405, 'FirstTimeHmByrRepaymentAmt' must be equal to 'FirstTimeHmByrRepaymentAmt' in the return.
Value: ###
This can occur when there are overrides pertaining to Form 5405.
Go toForm 5405, restore all overrides.
Go to Sch 2, restore line 10, is applicable.
Save the return.
Additional Information
Para obtener la versin en espaol de este artculo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aqu:Rechazo de e-file: "IND-147 and IND-152: Form 5405 First Time Homebuyer Installment payment"" en una declaracin 1040 en SureFire.
Tags: reject,federal