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e-file rejection: "F2555-019 - If Form 2555"

Full Rejection Text

If Form 2555, 'claimFrgnEarnIncWaiverCd' does not have a value, and [ForeignEarnedIncomeWaiverOfTimeRequirementsStatement] is not present in the Return and Line 16 'PhysicalPresenceEndDt' has a value, then Line 16 'PhysicalPresenceEndDt' minus (-) 'PhysicalPresenceBeginDt' must be greater than 329 days.



Go to Form2555.

Verify that the physical presence test dates onPg. 2,Line 16entered are withina (12) month period, according to the instructions:

Physical Presence Test

To meet this test, you must be a U.S.citizen or resident alien who is physicallypresent in a foreign country, or countries,for at least 330 full days during any periodof 12 months in a row. A full day meansthe 24-hour period that starts at midnight.


To figure 330 full days, add all separateperiods you were present in a foreigncountry during the 12-month period shownon line 16. The 330 full days can beinterrupted by periods when you aretraveling over international waters or areotherwise not in a foreign country.

Note:SeePub. 54 for examples...

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