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HoH Due Diligence form shows taxpayer not eligible

First, make sure the answers to the questions at the top of the page are correct. The answers to these questions help determine if the taxpayer qualifies for the Head of Household filing status.

You need to be sure that the amounts in the Household Maintenance section have been completed, in order to get the Head of Household Due Diligence form to be calculated. The amount provided by the taxpayer must be over 50% of the total maintenance in order to qualify for the Head of Household filing status.

If you have completely filled out this worksheet, but the program calculates that the taxpayer is not eligible, see the IRS Form 1040 instructions or IRS Publication 17 for the rules on using the Head of Household filing status.

This form is designed for your protection, to be sure that the taxpayer qualifies as the Head of Household. It is not a required IRS form, but we advise using it, to show you made sure a client is actually eligible for this filing status.

Note: This form is not e-filed with the return.

Tags: federal,form