K-1 interest doesn't calculate to Schedule B
Look carefully at the forms and lines to which K-1 information will carry, as shown on-screen in the Where entered column. If you have made a manual entry directly on one of these lines prior to completing the K-1, the K-1 information will have nowhere to go, since it would normally transfer to the line where you have manually entered data.
When there is manually entered data in an entry AND K-1 data transferring to the same entry, Sure-Fire does two things:
Sure-Fire allows the manually entered data to override the K-1 data. The entry is automatically marked as overridden.
Sure-Fire also flags the entry as "estimated." The estimated status will alert you that there is a problem with the entry and will prevent the form from checking off as complete.
The entry will appear estimated (red background). Press Shift+F3 to un-estimate the entry. Then press Shift+F8 to allow the K-1 data to transfer in. The entry should then look like a normal calculated entry (yellow text).
The manually entered data will have to be re-entered, if appropriate.
We strongly recommend that you complete K-1 Worksheets before making any entries on forms to which K-1 data carries.
Tags: install,federal,form