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Form 1041 - K-1 Distribution Worksheet

The Distribution Worksheet in Sure-Fire is used to specify amounts that should carry to Schedule K-1. This worksheet can be obtained either directly from the Forms List, or by linking from the Printed column of Sch K-1.

If estate/trust distributions are based on a percentage going to each beneficiary, use this worksheet. After filling out the worksheet, fill out a K-1 for each beneficiary, entering the appropriate percentage for each. Sure-Fire calculates the amounts to be distributed based on the percentage entered.

If distributions are not based on percentages, go directly to Sch K-1.

If distributions are based on percentages, except for adjustments needed on some items, fill out the Distribution Worksheet first, then go to Sch K-1, enter the percentage and make the adjustments.

A worksheet is available at the top of the form if some deductions are directly attributable to a specific income category.

Tags: federal,form