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CA FTB 8453 Rejection

Full Rejection Text

"There is an error with the Prior Year California Adjusted Gross Income [PriorYearAGI] amount provided in the Return Header. The Primary Taxpayer on this return is ineligible to participate in the Self-Select PIN program. Our records indicate the Primary Taxpayer did not file a prior year individual income tax return and does not have a shared secret (Prior Year California Adjusted Gross Income) amount. They may still e-file by signing a California e-file Return Authorization for Individuals, form (FTB 8453 or 8453-OL)."


  1. Go to Main Information Sheet.
  2. Select Check here if using the Practitioner PIN method for e-filing this income tax return.
  3. Go to Form CA 8879 - E-file Signature Authorization.
  4. Remove any amount entered on For Self-Select PIN only section.
  5. Re-create the e-file and re-submit the return.

Tags: reject,state