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Kansas reject code 006

The preparer will need to do one of the following in order to e-file these returns. (Option A is the preferred method if the returns are simple to re-create.)

Option A:
Remove KS from the return.
Close the return.
Open and add and complete the KS return again for each return.

Option B:
Uninstall the Kansas module. For instructions on how to Uninstall the module, see. Note: Do not attempt to open any KS returns while this module is uninstalled.
Install KS version 3. (The module is attached to the bottom of this article)
Uncheck the Unlink box on the KS 40, Pg 2 on each return, then Save the returns.
Reinstall KS version 5.
Re-create and re-transmit the e-files.

Tags: reject,state