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Web Demo Defaults


To help highlight some of the features in our software we have put a small tutorial together. After logging in to the demo we recommend setting the default user up. 

  1. First, click on the top right under the demo username you are using. Then go down to settings.
  2. Once in the settings, you will only get one option for selection. The general settings. Click there and you will be taken to the next screen.
  3. From here we can set up your default preparer. Just check the override default return template box.


  4. Once you check that box you can then fill it out with your default information. For example, I used Frank Sinatra.

  5. Now that that is filled out, let's go to the dashboard and start a new return.
  6. For my dummy return, I used 010101010. You can use whatever number you want for the demo, just remember that the SSN must match to start a new return.

  7. Now if you scroll down to the bottom of the main info sheet you will see the defaulted information.

Tags: web,setup