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Tags: install,reject,federal
Error Code R000-904-03
our client's Form 1040 e-file was rejected citing the following:
Software ID in the Return Header must have passed testing for the form family and TaxYr., /efile:Return/efile:ReturnHeader/efile:SoftwareId Value: #######
To resolve the rejection, do the following:
- Browse to ?:\UTS16\Control\Mef\Schema (where ? is the drive TaxWise is installed on).
- Locate and delete the following files:
- 1040.mefsf
- 1040.mefsm
- Uninstall the 1040 module.
- For additional information, see our solution on How to uninstall a module in SureFire®.
- Download and reinstall the 1040 module.
- For additional information, see our solution on How to download updates through the Tax Software.
- Create the e-file and resubmit / transmit.
Tags: install,reject,federal